Friday 13 April 2012

7 Hot Pinterest Tips To Drive More Traffic To Your Blog


7 Hot Pinterest Tips To Drive More Traffic To Your Blog

This is a Basic trick or tip what ever you call It.but In my opinion its is an  Important Part of 

Seo.Let move to our topic.. 


7 Hot Pinterest Tips To Drive More Traffic To Your Blog

This place  is different from the one we used previously .i.e. facebook fan pages or Google plus, so we can’t rely on the tips to gain traffic for facebook fanpage. This time targeted audience is approached in a different manner. The way you present your content is different and the options available are also new. But due to rapid increase in its popularity we are required to update ourselves with the change and redesign our blog promotion techniques. You may find it a little difficult if you are not good at colors, but do not drop the idea. Follow our tips and gradually you will be doing well at.

Repin from your blog

When you pin anything from your blog, it is displayed in your profile. Add pin it button on our blog, so that you can pin your content directly. Pin every post of you so as to direct followers from pinterest to your blog. This activity is also shown on your Facebook and twitter accounts. Pinterest is not meant to be an advertising platform but it is a social networking site .Easy Tip google friendly..

Optimize Pinterest and Pins

Three Steps For that

  1. Create an optimized description (150 Characters) for your site at pinterest profile
  2. Create board titles that may contain your blog keywords
  3. Add description to every image you pin






Unknown said...

Thanks For Sharing Nice Informational...
PR 5

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