Saturday 21 April 2012

Video Marketing Tips For Smart Bloggers


Video Marketing Tips For Smart Bloggers And get a large amount of traffic to your blog.

Become VideoGrapher:

Just like any other career, you need to pay attention and work hard for it. Since, it is not easy to produce competitive videos without proper knowledge. As the very first step, you need to determine the type of services you will be providing i.e. will you be filming weddings only or do you plan to offer extensive editing and professional commercial videos. You may prefer to take some video editing courses to learn film aesthetics, web compression, DVD compression, adding after effects, mixing of soundtracks and the use of film-making programs what ever.

Promote on Video Sharing Sites:

 YouTube is the largest video sharing network and people are earning lots of money by uploading videos there. You can even make a channel of your own, just like bloggers prefer having their own blog, to generate handsome living. But, do not stick to one site only. Make your videos viral by sharing them on top 10 video sharing sites.
1) YouTube
2) Metacafe
3) Dailymotion
5) Veoh
6) VideoEgg
7) Grouper
8) Jumpcut
9) AOL
10) Eyespot

5 Smart Tips To Make a Better Video:

  1. Your video should be easily understandable with subtitles, if required.
  2. Present quality tutorials with easy to follow steps. Don’t make fast moves while teaching someone.
  3. Do not speak too fast even if you are fluent enough with English because many people find it difficult to grab. Use simple language and speak as if you are talking to a naïve.
  4. Apply all the SEO tips and tricks for selecting the title, adding the description and tag it properly.
  5. Do not try to make video for nothing. Create one when its need is properly justified. 





vkonnect said...

Start your blog workout by revamping your headlines. Headlines make a significant difference in whether a reader will click through to the blog or not but writing great headlines is hard.
better blogging

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