Monday 16 April 2012

Official Blogger iPhone App


Google Blogger has recently released their official iPhone app which allow the users to use Blogger in iPhone, iPod touch or iPad.

With the current version of Blogger iPhone app you can create new post with pictures from your iPhone or you can take new picture directly.

Take have a look at some screen shots below:

You can download the Blogger app for iPhone in Apple App Store.

If you want to play with HTML/CSS codes within the post then this app might not be your choice because its quite hard to type HTML/CSS in the post editor of Blogger iPhone app. Therefore, its better to use Blogger in your PC instead.

Blogger iPhone app needs to be improved and it needs more advance options to make more user friendly. Hopefully, Blogger will release another version of this app soon with more new advanced options and features.

What do you say about this new Blogger iPhone app?


Rahul Vyas said...

I love this app. I have just download it on my iphone. I was wonderful experience to using blogger on iphone. Thanks for that kind of sharing. Hope u will again share with us.iPhone Game Development

Unknown said...

I have just jailbroken my iphone and i would like some suddgestions on some cool third party apps.
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Unknown said...

Fantastic work guys I’m a die-heart fan of your web site.

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BAC said...

Any new updates to this app?

Unknown said...

Thanx Brother Nice Info I Like Your Post Very Much

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