Sunday 15 April 2012

How To Manage a Blog During Exams


How To Manage a Blog During Exams?

Here come An Question for Bloggers who are Students and cant manage their 

blog during exams,so here is tip for those people.. 

Hire an Author:

This is indeed the most easiest yet productive approach to keep entertaining your audience. Deciding to hire an author is the most easiest step but finding a skilled author with good written command and tech know-how is the toughest.I highly recommend that you find someone who either lives in your hometown or at most your country. This is what I normally do. I look for talented university or college students and train them for a week so that they may learn some basic SEO and post formatting. I guide them via a Mobile phone and SMS them topics they are supposed to write on it

Advantages of Hiring a Country Mate

  1. You can contact him 24/7 using the fastest yet flexible medium of communication i.e. Mobile phone.
  2. You can call or text the author confidently and would not need to contact via dead slow Email correspondence
  3. You can pay in your local currency and not necessarily in US dollars.
  4. Payment can be processed within hours through online cash transaction
  5. You do not need PayPal to make the transaction
  6. You can immediately contact the author to publish a quick update or publish an important news.


Keep Link Builders Away

Most of the emails that are welcomed by our junk box are those of link builders. Linking a blog that is not related to your niche and blog topic or blog categories lack serious relevance and can harm the PageRank juice. This is one reason why most of the guest posts at MBT are from its loyal readers only. We accept posts from readers in order to motivate the new faces and help them out to perform even better.  Posts from link builders are often old re-written stories that has no search engine value. Most of these posts are written using automatic software and often a smart re-written copies of already published articles. Kindly avoid accepting articles that are out-dated or too generic, only accept posts if they are hot in trends.

How much shall you pay per post

Posts are priced based on their length and quality. The payment criteria for paid guest posts which is practiced on majority of blogs with less than 10K traffic is as follows:
$3-$5 per 2000 words
$2 per 1000-1500 words
$1 per 500-1000 words

If You having AnY problem releating to The Article.
Then DAre TO ask. 






Unknown said...

Thanx Brother Nice Info I Like Your Post Very Much

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